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Hi I'm lily!I live locally with my two daughters, my cat Moon and little sausage puppy Merlin.

I have been practicing yoga for around 14 years now and have explored many different types. When i first walked into a studio I was familiar with stretching , what I wasn't familiar with was the meditation during Savasana at the end of class and Pranayama (breath work). I left the class feeling calm and peaceful, a feeling I hadn't experienced before - without even knowing I hadn't experienced! 

So i kept going back time and time again.


12 years later I finally managed to do my 200hrs teacher training, something I've always wanted to do - the course was amazing and I loved learning in detail about yoga history and philosophy.


I love how yoga can be a moving mediation, linking breath with movement. 

Yoga has taught me how to calm down my over active mind and given me peace in this crazy world, it has taught me how to live in the here and now and feel comfortable in my body. And now I get to share this with others! 


If you have any doubts or questions please contact me as I truly believe yoga is for EVERYONE 


Love & Light






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